Thursday, May 16, 2013

Nature Trek Observation

by Michelle Quinones
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2013
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Switchback Trail and Ridge
Temperature:  75ish degrees
Weather: Beautiful evening! 

Several ECD members showed up with their sack suppers to relax, picnic and chat before the May Nature Trek. Tharran Hobson first talked about endangered and threatened birds of Emiquon and then led the group on a hike up the switchback trail and across a portion of the ridge. It was a spectacular evening. 20-30 folks participated and at least a dozen were ECD members. The weather was outstanding for an evening on the ridge, watching and listening for birds, and just enjoying each others' company. What I particularly noticed were the ongoing pockets of conversations. People twined in and out of conversation groups along the trail, listening here, interjecting there, sharing information and experiences along the way.